Monday, January 1, 2018


Yaaaaaayyyyy!!!  We have made it to another year!!! Let's welcome 2018!!!  Now I know that you have goals....what normal person doesn't have a list of goals to work on for the New Year?  But what about accomplishing those goals?  How many times have we set out to accomplish goals but for some reason we do not accomplish them.  I can tell you that has happened to me plenty of times, until I started to implement these 5 tips into my "goal crushing" experience.  Let's breakdown these tips..


Tip #1: Write down your goals and hang them up so they are visible to you.


Writing down your goals are so important.  I write down my goals daily, so I can keep them fresh in my mind.  I also keep them hung up in my home office so that they are visible to me.  Every time I go to my desk  I see my goals.  This keeps them in my sight and jogs my memory to remember to do what every task that is needed to complete that day to move me closer to my goal.  Writing your goals down is a great way to reflect back and keep your goals fresh in your spirit.


Tip #2: Establish a deadline for each goal


Establishing a deadline will help you in having a timeline around achieving your goals.  Having no deadlines will decrease your urgency of completing your goal, which can lead to procrastination and at times you can just continue to sale your self excuses for not completing your goal and as a result not meet your goal.  Creating an overall deadline for your goal and meeting that deadline will give you a sense of accomplishment and fuels you to continue to meet your deadlines for your goals.


Tip #3: Break larger goals into smaller bite sized goals


Large goals can be very overwhelming.  For example, if your goal is to make over $100,000 in your business this year.  Well, you will not see that type of goal in one day or let alone one week.  You will have to break that goal down into weekly or daily goals to reach that $100,000 profit goal.  Having a large goal to meet can be overwhelming just thinking about it.  In fact, it can be so discouraging to the point that it causes you to abandon your goal prematurely because of the goals magnitude and the effort that it will take to get there.  So just take it slow, break down the goal(s) into small bite sized tasks that will eventually get you to crossing the finish line of victory.

Tip #4:  Except Change

I once heard a successful business owner say "Be stubborn about your goals, but open minded and flexible about how to accomplish them".  Sometimes we may have plans of completing a goal a specific way only, if this specific way is not working as planned you will have to revamp your way of getting to that goal.  For example, if you have only lost 5 pounds in 6 months and your goal was to lose 25 pounds, than you will have to find another plan or strategy to accomplishing your weight loss goal of losing 25 pounds in 6 months.  At the current rate of 5 pounds every 6 months, the goal will be reached in about 2.5 years opposed to the 6 months originally planned.  In business it is important to evaluate our plan of action and revamp if need be.


Tip #5: Get some accountability in your life!!!

We often times feel like we can conquer this world all by ourselves, but in reality we can't.  We have to have others in our life to support us, keep us sharp, pull us up when we are down and to tell us that things are going to be ok.  We also need people to help us accomplish our goals by holding us accountable.  Being around like minded people has so many advantages.  Accountability is probably the most important steps you can take when accomplishing goals.  Whether you have one person to hold you accountable or a group of people you will need some sort of accountability.  We have a Facebook group with professional entrepreneurs that  encourages others to do more and offers a network of support.  So whenever you need help or a break through from your self doubt we are here for you. Not to mention we have tons of resources and trainings that you can pull from to get your business needs met.  If you are interested in joining us click here for a personal invite.


What ever your goal or goals are this year, I hope you have success and crush them and have an amazing year.  Make sure to check back with us to let us know how your goals are coming along through out the year.



 Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and feel free to share it with anyone who will benefit and needs the information .





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