Thursday, January 4, 2018


Rejection is an emotion that successful business owners experience often.  Rejection is inevitable.  At some point in your business and even in life, rejection will occur.  Depending on how rejection is dealt with, there maybe physiological damages that take place, if this occurs I suggest you get professional help.  As a young person we all want to be liked.  Unless managed as we grow older,  our need for approval can lead us on a "people pleasing" life long scavenger hunt.  The fear of losing favor with family, friends, coworkers, etc is one of the common hinders to establishing and pursing our goals.
For example, Dana as a child could never please her mother.  As an adult person, Dana's most striking memories as a child was being scolded by her mother from hurtful words that her mother said to her in front of other friends and family members.  She recalls the feelings of inadequacy, humiliation and loneliness that haunted her for days after these particular incidents.  Consequently, as a teenager, Dana's fears of displeasing her Mother, grew into a general fear of displeasing anyone whom she was associated with, especially others in authority. Whenever she thought of putting her desires first, she would have feelings of anxiety and inferiority.  Because of this background she was always associated as the person who couldn't say "no" to others.  In her early years as an adult, she started reading self help books and getting her self esteem to a point that she realized she did deserve to have more and be more and not settle for less, than she start dealing with her rejection in a constructive way.  She realized that never saying no to other people really  meant that she was always saying no to herself.  Most of the time when a person has a serious problem with rejection they do not necessarily have a problem with rejection, they have a problem with being a people pleaser and not putting themselves and their desires first.  This problem is perceived as a desire to be a nice person.  They then become haunted of feelings that they do not ever get what they want or experience feelings of un-fulfillment because of always putting others first.  The first thing that needs to be done to help you deal with rejection, is to stop being a people pleaser and put your desires first.  Once you start putting yourself first (without being selfish) you will find that dealing with rejection is not so bad, because you are already accomplishing the things that you want in life.  Also find another way to deal with rejection, is to find a sense of belonging through other connections.  If you are in business, find other people that want your services or products.  Every "no" that you get brings you closer to the person that says "yes".  The more you experience rejection, the more easier it gets and before you know it, dealing with rejection will be a passed time.
The next time you face rejection (and trust me, there will be a next time, because that’s how life goes) apply these techniques and you will find that channeling rejection constructively will help you deal with it much better.

 Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and feel free to share it with anyone who will benefit and needs the information .

Thanks for reading,
Truly Camillia

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