Friday, January 12, 2018

5 Traits Of A Good Leader

5 Traits Of A Good Leader

So, Congrats!!! You just joined your first network marketing company, started your business, released your first product etc. and you are looking for a leader to model yourself after.   Most leaders in business have established trust and remained consistent with their followers and fans.  Below are a few traits that you need to look in your future leader for your venture.

They Give Value Often
This is one of the number one mistakes that I made when I started my business.  I was in serious need of a business coach.  I didn't do much research but I spent a pretty penny with a female entrepreneur that was very successful in her businesses.  She was advertising a coaching package to work with her and purchase her products and I decided to.  She had established a huge following and the free group that she provided was very active, but she didn't give a way any value.  The videos that she provided were of her speaking and telling everyone in the group how they need to join her program.   There was NO value being presented by her.  I had my blinders on and decided to join her program because of her results and success and when I got the program it was TRASH.  It was basically everything that I already knew.  She also claimed that when we purchased we would get free advertising from her, but that wasn't true.  So make sure before you spend money with a person that you feel is a great leader, do your research.  Put their name in google, see what pops up.  Are they giving value to the market place, are they consistent, are they helping others, giving away free webinars etc.  Now, do not get me wrong, leaders are not going to give away everything for FREE and you shouldn't either, but there should be a few tips that they can give away for free here and there. I am happy to say that after doing lots of research I have found an AWESOME business coach ( she costs a pretty penny, but I still love her).  To be honest, I watched all her FREE videos on YouTube and learned tons more from her FREE videos than I have learned with all the paid products that I have brought from others.  So when I decided to spend money on her program, it has been awesome, because I did my research.  So make sure you do, too.

They Are Compassionate
Your leader that you are looking to model after and follow must be compassionate.  They must truly care about people and relationships.  If they are only talking and posting about making money and how they are benefiting and join me, me, the opposite.  If your leader is only talking about  and concerned about money and not getting to know you as a person or cultivating a relationship, than I would stay away from them.  That is all I have to say about compassion. lol

They Need To Be Enthusiastic
Your leader needs to be enthusiastic and excited about the business.  If a leader is not excited or passionate about serving their audience than they are not being authentic.  They may just be going through the motions to get the next check.  You want to be led by someone that is passionate and proud about the products and business they are representing.  Having passion in your business allows you to accept challenges and help others to develop their strengths and weaknesses.

Do They Have A Community
Has your leader established a community of people that love them?  Keep in mind, it does not matter how many people are inside the community there can be 5 to 500,000 people, but make sure that the people in the community are happy.   Quality over quantity, always remember. I know leaders and influencers that have thousands of fans but no real value is being presented.  Everyone is inside the community just because it is the fun thing to do at the time or the influencer maybe very popular. It says a lot about a leader that has created a community of value.  That leader really cares about making a difference in the business industry.

They Are Consistent
Consistency is one of the most important traits when you are looking for a leader.  If they are not consistent in their business, than they will not be consistent in helping you and everyone else.  As crazy as it sounds, when I started looking for a leader, I would always go to their social media accounts and see how consistent they are with the platforms that they have established.  If a leader has totally abandoned there social media accounts than I will beware of locking arms with that leader.  Make sure your leader is consistent in their business.

Please let me know if you have any questions by leaving me a comment.  If this blog post helped you in any way, help others by sharing it out.  Remember sharing is caring.   If you are looking to network, get your business questions answered, support and most importantly ACCOUNTABILITY.  Join our FB group here to get in on all the info.

Thanks for reading,

Truly Camillia

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