Sunday, January 21, 2018

New Algorithim Changes For Instagram

Instagram is a social networking app made for sharing photos and videos from a smartphone, owned by Facebook.  As you may know or have heard that Instagram has made changes within the past few weeks of 2018.  I heard that this change was coming last month and have done some extensive research on this before I presented this material to you.  In this blog I will share with you the main three categories that have changed within Instagram.

1. Hashtags

Hashtags are the easiest way to find new and interesting content on Instagram and for others to find you.  Hash tags are also a great way to attract new followers.  Although you can use up to 30 hashtags in your posts, hashtags can now be considered as spam. Instagram is cracking down on all the bots that have been incorporated into the platform within the last few years, so switch up your hashtags. If you are using the same tags over and over, your Instagram account can be subject to get shadow banned.  When your account is shadow banned, this directly affects the reach of your Instagram account.  The scary thing about an account shadow ban is that you will NOT be notified that your account has been shadow banned.  You will only realize it once you notice that your posts are not getting much engagement.  Also another big change is that in order for others to see your hashtags now, they must be posted in the caption and not the comments.  Hash tags that are in the comments will no longer be displayed under the search results.  Make sure you are now posting your hashtags in the caption field! 

2. Pod Groups

Similar to Facebook, if you post something on Instagram, your post may only be shared with 10% of your followers.  If your posts does not get much engagement off of the bat, only 10% of your followers will see it, if your posts gets lots of views and engagement, than your posts will be shared to the remainder 90% of your followers.  Around 2017, pod groups were introduced to Instagram.  Pod groups were groups of people that have agreed to help boost each others engagement within the group by liking and commenting on each others posts, so 90% of their followers will view their posts.  If you are a member of one of these groups, you may want to think twice and discontinue participation within pod groups because these groups may contribute to your account being shadow banned.

3.  Engagement

Because Instagram is starting to crack down hard on bots, you will need to start leaving genuine comments in others posts. Do you remember those generic comments from bots with the emojis like "nice pic" or "lets collaborate"? Instagram has started filtering out generic comments and making room for the genuine comments. A good new strategy to start is commenting on others posts with four or more words within 60 minutes.  I know that I am always commenting "love it" or "awesome" on others posts, so I am in the boat of thinking of four or more words to say as well.  If you have not started using Instagram stories, Instagram stories is a great way to engage with your followers, too. The accounts that you engage with the most will be able to see your stories first.  So make sure you are engaging with others and providing good content for your followers.

Please let me know if you have any questions by leaving me a comment.  If this blog post helped you in any way, help others by sharing it out.  Remember sharing is caring.   If you are looking to network, get your business questions answered, support and most importantly ACCOUNTABILITY.  Join our FB group here to get in on all the hacks.

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Thanks for reading,

Truly Camillia

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