Friday, January 26, 2018

How To Avoid Burnout!


A national study indicates that more than half of U.S. professionals are burned out in life.  Burnout is a real thing and should not be down played for any reason what so ever.  Many people think that business owners are exempt from the “burn out” blues.  Successful entrepreneurs and small business owners work very hard and at sometimes work harder than most employees.  Let’s just face it, if this “entrepreneurship” thing was easy, everyone would be doing it and would be very successful at it.  There is only a small percentage of business owners that are successful and stay in business past three years.  Burnout happens to the best of us, take comfort in knowing that you are not alone. Below are some tips that can help you conquer burn out in your personal and professional life.

Set Boundaries
This is the most important rule with conquering burnout.   Set very clear boundaries for yourself and business.  The truth is some of your clients and customers can contribute to your burnout.  Humans can be some of the most inconsiderate beings.  People will drain you dry if you let them.  They will suck the living juices out of you.  As entrepreneurs, we pour so much into our businesses (especially in the startup phases), our time, our mental and physical beings, time away from our families and much more.   That is why you must set boundaries for yourself and your businesses.  People only treat you how you teach them to treat you.   Do not over commit to too many tasks, just to please others. You must make it known that you and your business has standards and you will not tolerate anyone that disrespects you and your time.

Change your location
Being a fulltime home based business owner, I have to get out of the house and work at a different location a few times a week.  The walls in my house will start caving in if I do not leave.  I like to work at different locations like the library, coffee shop or a nice park (that has wifi near of course).  I also try to kill two birds with one stone.  For example, one thing that I absolutely have to do every day is get my prayer and personal development time in.  During my prayer time, I like to be alone in a quiet place.  During my personal development time I am able to multi task.  So in most cases, during my personal development time I am exercising or cleaning, cooking dinner, something else to pass the time.  So multitasking is a great way to avoid burn out as well.

Get away!!!
Last but not least, sometimes you just need to get away.  Taking a break is definitely needed.  Now do not get me wrong, when you are first starting out in business (within the first 3 to 6 months) it would not be wise for you to go on a long break.  Recharging is a great way to get yourself rejuvenated and ready to tackle the next few months of working in your business.
 Please let me know if you have any questions by leaving me a comment.  If this blog post helped you in any way, help others by sharing it out.  Remember sharing is caring.   If you are looking to network, get your business questions answered, support and most importantly ACCOUNTABILITY.  Join our FB group here to get in on all the info.
Thanks for reading,

Truly Camillia

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