Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy Holidays....Hello 2018!!!!

Today is the very last day of 2017 and I am super excited for what is to come in 2018.  I am in one of the highest states of gratitude and here is why.  I am so thankful for God allowing me to experience an awesome life.  I can truly say that I do not want for much, I have my health, my family is in great health as well and over the last few years God has blessed me more than I could have imagined with a great family, supportive friends and an AMAZING HUBBY!  What more can a girl ask for???  This year hasn't been perfect, there were trials and tests that had to be passed, but with the good Lord on our side we fought the good fight of faith and work.  I am reminded of a few things that I will be ever grateful for, mind you I have a very, very long list but I decided to share just 3 things with you all today. :)

Our Home

I am grateful for our home.  We brought our house at the end of 2016 but it became our home in 2017.  I realized that not everyone is blessed with the "American" dream of owning a home and I am humbled and thank God every day.  Things were not a walk in the park for us, when my Husband and I first got married we knew that we would have to work hard to build some of the things that we wanted.  We stayed focused and disciplined on our goals and after about a year and a half of being married we were finally able to sign those papers of owning our home. 

Our Beautiful, Precious Angel

I am soooo thankful for my niece, Aria.  Aria has brought so much joy to my family's life.  She is a "miracle" baby and every time I look at her I believe that God can do the impossible, if we just believe.  Aria is such a smart, beautiful, playful, ball of cuteness with a very bright future ahead of her.  Even though my husband and I are not able to see her as much because of distance (she lives in Charlotte, NC with my Brother and Sister in law and we live in San Antonio, TX ) I am still able to keep up with her and other family members by way of technology, so we are so happy about that.

My Husband Anthony

Last but certainly not least, I am very grateful for my husband.  Looking back over my life, well 10 years back, I never would have thought that I would meet some one who was so thoughtful, supportive, caring, loving and all the above, let alone date and marry that person. ha! Our marriage is a true testimony that despite of what you have been through or are going through at the moment you have to move forward and be strong.  A lot of times we can make excuses for where we are in life because of the cards that was dealt to us, meaning unforeseeable circumstances that happen along this journey we call life.  I can tell you that your life can turn out for the best if only you believe that it can be.  Yeah, sometimes life is not fair and things happen but we have to make sure that we are remaining positive and keeping our mind and body in good health.  My husband and I have been in terrible relationships in the past but we both had hope that we would meet someone that wasn't perfect, but perfect just for us.  No way am I making claims that our marriage and life are perfect but we choose to dwell on the good and positive and deal with the not so good times in a healthy way.

I truly hope you and your family have a Happy New Year and make 2018 your best year yet!!!

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