Thursday, January 25, 2018

3 Types Of Prospects You Better Stay Away From

The old way of marketing and prospecting, teaches us that EVERYONE needs our product and/or services or would want it at some point in there life.  I do not believe this.  Even if your product/service is the best on the planet, not everyone is a good fit for it. There are so many things that you could be doing than chasing after people who waste your time. I have been dealing with prospects since 2014 and I can think quickly of 3 types of prospects that you do not need to converse with at any point in time.

Type 1- Broke Jokes

Yes, I call these people broke jokes.  The type may sound a little weird but I am so serious about staying away from these people.  These people are always saying that they never have money, they are always broke and they are wanting everything for  I have to be truthful with these type of people and let them know nothing in life is free. (maybe air but that is a different story) If you have a prospect that really wants to join an opportunity or buy your product and have not been able to come up with any of the money within the last few weeks to a year, depending on how much the product is, than they will most likely never have the cash to scrape up. No matter how nice these prospects are or how well you know them...make the cut fast, because they will only continue to waste your time. I live in the US and there are plenty of opportunities to  make a quick buck.  This is why knowing your target market is very important.  Depending on the average costs of your products/services than you will need to market to people that are in the right price range of your goods. People who consistently fail to be in a position to invest are not in your target market.  It is VERY important in business to disconnect your feeling from facts or you will always be forced to feel sorry for others and get the life sucked out of you by people who do not feel the need to invest in themselves.                                                                                                                                                                

Type 2- Busy Bees

If you are in a network marketing company, have you ever met a client that was too busy to listen to or watch a 15 minute presentation, that has had the presentation for 5 days or more.  This person is not too busy, they are either lazy or they are not interested in what ever you are selling.  You have to ask the question, do I really want someone on my team that can not watch a 15 minute video within 5 days, outside of extreme circumstances?  I will answer for you, no you do not.  If they ever do decide to sign up with you, they will not get sales.  They will be too busy for the business and just let it fall by the way side.  People give a lot of excuses on why they do not want to do something.  But this excuse by far is the one I hate the most.  People make time for what they really want, so in my mind, I just think that you really do not want the opportunity.  Instead of just saying "no thanks" people make up the excuse that they are too busy to do this or too busy to do that.  Please make sure you stay away from prospects that are "too busy".

Type 3- Paranoid Patsy's

If you meet someone that is paranoid about everything, for example giving up there email address or joining a group that will help them,  stay  away from these prospects.  They are not willing to take risks and are "scare dee cats".  lol  They are going to want you to take them by the hand and spoon feed them all the information.  If they do join you, they are ALWAYS going to want your undivided attention and try to make you feel guilty for not showing them attention 24/7.  They are going to blow up your phone, email and you are going to have to end up blocking them from social media.  You are not in the business of counseling, but this paranoid patsy will make you feel like you have gotten your doctorate in counseling if you let them take advantage of you and your time.  So make sure you stay very clear of these type of prospects.

Please let me know if you have any questions by leaving me a comment.  If this blog post helped you in any way, help others by sharing it out.  Remember sharing is caring.   If you are looking to network, get your business questions answered, support and most importantly ACCOUNTABILITY.  Join our FB group here to get in on all the info.

Thanks for reading,

Truly Camillia

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