Monday, January 15, 2018

Keep Your Dreams Alive!

Keep Your Dreams Alive!!!

As we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on this beautiful day, we have to remember to keep our dreams alive.  Martin Luther King Jr. changed the world because he had a dream that one day people of color would be treated as equal citizens and not looked upon as inferior.   As a black women, I am so thankful that Martin Luther King fought for his dream and the dream of so many other African American men and women.  Even though Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. fought for his dream and eventually fought to death, his dream lives on through the minds and hearts of American people forever.  Most of the time once we start to pursue our dream(s), we are very excited and talk about it often, but once time goes on, maybe a few weeks, months or even years pass, are we still excited about our dream?  What happens once we’ve had a goal or dream for a while, how do we keep it fresh and stay inspired to reach it?  Below are 3 tips to help you keep your dreams alive just like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. has done.

1.  Mediate and Believe That Your Dream Is Achievable
Constant meditation and belief gives you a powerful visual reminder each day of your dream or goal. By sitting quietly in meditation we allow are dreams and beliefs to manifest.  In quietness we create space for insights on the answers we have been waiting for to come along with new ideas.

2. Gaining more knowledge about our dream
If our dream is to open up an online boutique or to become an athlete.  We must gain all the knowledge that we can to allow our dream to be a reality.  That means we have to seek out the knowledge.  The best advice that I can give you is to lock arms with someone that has already achieved the dream that you desire to achieve.  Sometimes this can be difficult for others because they are not willing to invest in themselves.  Meaning invest the time or money to seek out the knowledge that you need to make your dream happen.  Just like Dr. King did, we may have to link up with others or collaborate with other organizations to help bring our dream to pass.  Even though Dr. Kings dream was a dream that had not been accomplished by man yet, he was still able to network and communicate with others to achieve it.

3. Start taking massive action on your dreams
Taking action is one of the most important steps.  Taking action means focusing on what needs to be done.(this will be done once you get the knowledge)  Also another step to action, is being consistent with your actions.  Working on your dream can only work when you are consistent, have laser focus and remove all distractions.  Thinking that our dream will just work itself out is ridiculous and not smart.  Dreams do not work unless you do.  So get started working on your dream today!

Please let me know if you have any questions by leaving me a comment.  If this blog post helped you in any way, help others by sharing it out.  Remember sharing is caring.   If you are looking to network, get your business questions answered, support and most importantly ACCOUNTABILITY.  Join our FB group here to get in on all the info.

Thanks for reading,

Truly Camillia

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