Friday, January 5, 2018


Change is bound to happen.  No matter how good, or bad a situation is, that situation will change at some point in time.  Change is a part of everyday life and at the same time many people find change difficult.  If facing a new situation in life fills you with anxiety or dread than there are ways to help yourself learn how to embrace change.  Everything about you is changing, even now.  The cells in your body are changing, the earth, technology , our children, etc are changing.  Dealing with change is a hard choice for some.  You can choose not to cooperate with the changes and let that consume you, or you can fight your resistance to change, adapt and benefit from the change.  Human beings by nature, are wired to fear things that are not normal or comfortable to us.  In order to embrace change, we have to accept that life is a journey and that change is apart of it.  Often times our habits and internal thoughts keep us from living the life that we desire.  We second guess our selves by saying, maybe this will not work out or maybe this is not for me.  In able to ultimately benefit from this life, we have to eradicate those limiting thoughts.  Once we are mindful of those thoughts we must correct them and start embracing change.  In order to change your life for the better, you have to switch things up, adopt a new mindset and start doing things differently.  Start embracing change today, start living your life beyond limits.  Once you get started, you will find that change is full of amazing opportunities.

Change your life today!
Truly Camillia

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