Wednesday, January 31, 2018

How To Deal With Difficult Customers And Clients

Hello!!!  How To Deal With Rude Customers
**Free Virtual Workshop**

Rude or upset customers are going to be inevitable at work or in your business. Portraying a calm disposition when dealing with a rude customer can be a very difficult task.  So you may ask, how do I deal with a rude customer in person or over the phone?  In this virtual workshop, I will show you how to deal with customers that are rude, irate and or difficult.  Dealing with internal and external stressors are a key factor in helping to deal with rude and difficult customers.  In this video I will help you to deal with stress and develop a routine to help you become a better person.

* How to connect with the angry customer.
* How to  show empathy or apologize if appropriate.
* How to guide the customer's attention toward getting a resolution
* How to use positive language and positive nonverbal skills
 * How to follow up with the rude or difficult customer  effectively

 Please let me know if you have any questions by leaving me a comment.  If this blog post helped you in any way, help others by sharing it out.  Remember sharing is caring.   If you are looking to network, get your business questions answered, support and most importantly ACCOUNTABILITY.  Join our FB group here to get in on all the info.
Thanks for reading,

Truly Camillia


Friday, January 26, 2018

How To Avoid Burnout!


A national study indicates that more than half of U.S. professionals are burned out in life.  Burnout is a real thing and should not be down played for any reason what so ever.  Many people think that business owners are exempt from the “burn out” blues.  Successful entrepreneurs and small business owners work very hard and at sometimes work harder than most employees.  Let’s just face it, if this “entrepreneurship” thing was easy, everyone would be doing it and would be very successful at it.  There is only a small percentage of business owners that are successful and stay in business past three years.  Burnout happens to the best of us, take comfort in knowing that you are not alone. Below are some tips that can help you conquer burn out in your personal and professional life.

Set Boundaries
This is the most important rule with conquering burnout.   Set very clear boundaries for yourself and business.  The truth is some of your clients and customers can contribute to your burnout.  Humans can be some of the most inconsiderate beings.  People will drain you dry if you let them.  They will suck the living juices out of you.  As entrepreneurs, we pour so much into our businesses (especially in the startup phases), our time, our mental and physical beings, time away from our families and much more.   That is why you must set boundaries for yourself and your businesses.  People only treat you how you teach them to treat you.   Do not over commit to too many tasks, just to please others. You must make it known that you and your business has standards and you will not tolerate anyone that disrespects you and your time.

Change your location
Being a fulltime home based business owner, I have to get out of the house and work at a different location a few times a week.  The walls in my house will start caving in if I do not leave.  I like to work at different locations like the library, coffee shop or a nice park (that has wifi near of course).  I also try to kill two birds with one stone.  For example, one thing that I absolutely have to do every day is get my prayer and personal development time in.  During my prayer time, I like to be alone in a quiet place.  During my personal development time I am able to multi task.  So in most cases, during my personal development time I am exercising or cleaning, cooking dinner, something else to pass the time.  So multitasking is a great way to avoid burn out as well.

Get away!!!
Last but not least, sometimes you just need to get away.  Taking a break is definitely needed.  Now do not get me wrong, when you are first starting out in business (within the first 3 to 6 months) it would not be wise for you to go on a long break.  Recharging is a great way to get yourself rejuvenated and ready to tackle the next few months of working in your business.
 Please let me know if you have any questions by leaving me a comment.  If this blog post helped you in any way, help others by sharing it out.  Remember sharing is caring.   If you are looking to network, get your business questions answered, support and most importantly ACCOUNTABILITY.  Join our FB group here to get in on all the info.
Thanks for reading,

Truly Camillia

Thursday, January 25, 2018

3 Types Of Prospects You Better Stay Away From

The old way of marketing and prospecting, teaches us that EVERYONE needs our product and/or services or would want it at some point in there life.  I do not believe this.  Even if your product/service is the best on the planet, not everyone is a good fit for it. There are so many things that you could be doing than chasing after people who waste your time. I have been dealing with prospects since 2014 and I can think quickly of 3 types of prospects that you do not need to converse with at any point in time.

Type 1- Broke Jokes

Yes, I call these people broke jokes.  The type may sound a little weird but I am so serious about staying away from these people.  These people are always saying that they never have money, they are always broke and they are wanting everything for  I have to be truthful with these type of people and let them know nothing in life is free. (maybe air but that is a different story) If you have a prospect that really wants to join an opportunity or buy your product and have not been able to come up with any of the money within the last few weeks to a year, depending on how much the product is, than they will most likely never have the cash to scrape up. No matter how nice these prospects are or how well you know them...make the cut fast, because they will only continue to waste your time. I live in the US and there are plenty of opportunities to  make a quick buck.  This is why knowing your target market is very important.  Depending on the average costs of your products/services than you will need to market to people that are in the right price range of your goods. People who consistently fail to be in a position to invest are not in your target market.  It is VERY important in business to disconnect your feeling from facts or you will always be forced to feel sorry for others and get the life sucked out of you by people who do not feel the need to invest in themselves.                                                                                                                                                                

Type 2- Busy Bees

If you are in a network marketing company, have you ever met a client that was too busy to listen to or watch a 15 minute presentation, that has had the presentation for 5 days or more.  This person is not too busy, they are either lazy or they are not interested in what ever you are selling.  You have to ask the question, do I really want someone on my team that can not watch a 15 minute video within 5 days, outside of extreme circumstances?  I will answer for you, no you do not.  If they ever do decide to sign up with you, they will not get sales.  They will be too busy for the business and just let it fall by the way side.  People give a lot of excuses on why they do not want to do something.  But this excuse by far is the one I hate the most.  People make time for what they really want, so in my mind, I just think that you really do not want the opportunity.  Instead of just saying "no thanks" people make up the excuse that they are too busy to do this or too busy to do that.  Please make sure you stay away from prospects that are "too busy".

Type 3- Paranoid Patsy's

If you meet someone that is paranoid about everything, for example giving up there email address or joining a group that will help them,  stay  away from these prospects.  They are not willing to take risks and are "scare dee cats".  lol  They are going to want you to take them by the hand and spoon feed them all the information.  If they do join you, they are ALWAYS going to want your undivided attention and try to make you feel guilty for not showing them attention 24/7.  They are going to blow up your phone, email and you are going to have to end up blocking them from social media.  You are not in the business of counseling, but this paranoid patsy will make you feel like you have gotten your doctorate in counseling if you let them take advantage of you and your time.  So make sure you stay very clear of these type of prospects.

Please let me know if you have any questions by leaving me a comment.  If this blog post helped you in any way, help others by sharing it out.  Remember sharing is caring.   If you are looking to network, get your business questions answered, support and most importantly ACCOUNTABILITY.  Join our FB group here to get in on all the info.

Thanks for reading,

Truly Camillia

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Successful Communication While Closing Prospects

If you can successfully communicate your beliefs, you can successfully close your prospects.  Everyone has the potential to be a successful closer.  It is all about selling yourself and/or your product or service.  For example, with your first job, you sold yourself on the interview.  You talked about yourself, you let the interviewer know why you were the best person for the job and how the company can benefit greatly from hiring you. Hopefully now you are considering working for yourself and you will not have to go on any more job interviews, but I was just giving an example. Closing prospects is the same concept as selling yourself at a job interview.  Communication is a very important part of our lives.  I was reading an article the other day that said 7% of communication is the words that you speak, 38% is the tone in your voice and 55% is your energy.  Isn’t that incredible.  If 7% of our communication is the words that we speak than why are we wasting our time reading scripts to close our sales. Mmmmmmm, something to think about right?  If 55% of communication is energy, then when prospecting and closing sales, you must exert high energy and a sense of urgency.  I am not saying that you have to change your personality when you are prospecting but there needs to be emotion and energy in your voice.  Think about it like this, if a snake came in your room awkwardly, you would not just say to the snake, hey snake, it is time for you to go. No you are going to show all sorts of emotions, jumping around trying to get this snake out of your house, with a sense of urgency, right?  I do not care if you are the quietest, laid back person ever, you are going to be expressing some passion trying to get this snake out of your house.  The same thing needs to happen when you are prospecting, you have to show that energy and passion. Now, one tactic that I learned when prospecting is reflection.  If you are talking with someone that has a very laid back personality and they talk a little slower than the average person, you are going to have to slow things down a bit because you will end up driving that person away, but still show passion when you are conversing with them.  Stop thinking about what to say or how to say it.  There are no magic words when it comes to telling others about your product or service.  Be very simple when it comes to what to say, tell them what the product does, how it has helped you and how it can do the same for them.  That is it!!!  Make sure you have energy and passion behind what you are saying and eventually you will be able to close that person, especially if they already know, like and trust you.

Please let me know if you have any questions by leaving me a comment.  If this blog post helped you in any way, help others by sharing it out.  Remember sharing is caring.   If you are looking to network, get your business questions answered, support and most importantly ACCOUNTABILITY.  Join our FB group here to get in on all the info.

Thanks for reading,

Truly Camillia

Monday, January 22, 2018

How To Get Customers For Your Business


Today in this blog, I share answers on how to get customers for your business.
Marketing is what wins, hands down, every time... in combination with an excellent product.
So how do you market? How do you get customers for your business? Just starting out it can be very hard to get people interested in your service or product.  In the video above I will share beginner options on how to get your offers/business out there.
If you want to learn how to start marketing your offers online leave a comment and I will send you what I use.
Also check out this email marketing system that I use here:
you can check it out for free within the first 30 days and get a free email marketing course to  show you and give you the basic steps of how to email market (very simple system)

Like if you like, share if you love!
visit to create a free website
tutorial coming soon

Please let me know if you have any questions by leaving me a comment.  If this blog post helped you in any way, help others by sharing it out.  Remember sharing is caring.   If you are looking to network, get your business questions answered, support and most importantly ACCOUNTABILITY.  Join our FB group here to get in on all the info.

Thanks for reading,

Truly Camillia

Sunday, January 21, 2018

New Algorithim Changes For Instagram

Instagram is a social networking app made for sharing photos and videos from a smartphone, owned by Facebook.  As you may know or have heard that Instagram has made changes within the past few weeks of 2018.  I heard that this change was coming last month and have done some extensive research on this before I presented this material to you.  In this blog I will share with you the main three categories that have changed within Instagram.

1. Hashtags

Hashtags are the easiest way to find new and interesting content on Instagram and for others to find you.  Hash tags are also a great way to attract new followers.  Although you can use up to 30 hashtags in your posts, hashtags can now be considered as spam. Instagram is cracking down on all the bots that have been incorporated into the platform within the last few years, so switch up your hashtags. If you are using the same tags over and over, your Instagram account can be subject to get shadow banned.  When your account is shadow banned, this directly affects the reach of your Instagram account.  The scary thing about an account shadow ban is that you will NOT be notified that your account has been shadow banned.  You will only realize it once you notice that your posts are not getting much engagement.  Also another big change is that in order for others to see your hashtags now, they must be posted in the caption and not the comments.  Hash tags that are in the comments will no longer be displayed under the search results.  Make sure you are now posting your hashtags in the caption field! 

2. Pod Groups

Similar to Facebook, if you post something on Instagram, your post may only be shared with 10% of your followers.  If your posts does not get much engagement off of the bat, only 10% of your followers will see it, if your posts gets lots of views and engagement, than your posts will be shared to the remainder 90% of your followers.  Around 2017, pod groups were introduced to Instagram.  Pod groups were groups of people that have agreed to help boost each others engagement within the group by liking and commenting on each others posts, so 90% of their followers will view their posts.  If you are a member of one of these groups, you may want to think twice and discontinue participation within pod groups because these groups may contribute to your account being shadow banned.

3.  Engagement

Because Instagram is starting to crack down hard on bots, you will need to start leaving genuine comments in others posts. Do you remember those generic comments from bots with the emojis like "nice pic" or "lets collaborate"? Instagram has started filtering out generic comments and making room for the genuine comments. A good new strategy to start is commenting on others posts with four or more words within 60 minutes.  I know that I am always commenting "love it" or "awesome" on others posts, so I am in the boat of thinking of four or more words to say as well.  If you have not started using Instagram stories, Instagram stories is a great way to engage with your followers, too. The accounts that you engage with the most will be able to see your stories first.  So make sure you are engaging with others and providing good content for your followers.

Please let me know if you have any questions by leaving me a comment.  If this blog post helped you in any way, help others by sharing it out.  Remember sharing is caring.   If you are looking to network, get your business questions answered, support and most importantly ACCOUNTABILITY.  Join our FB group here to get in on all the hacks.

Check out TrulyCam.Co for updates!

Thanks for reading,

Truly Camillia

Saturday, January 20, 2018

How To Quickly Create Social Media Content For Your Blog or Live Videos

How To Quickly Create Social Media Content

A lot of business owners spend WAY too much time creating content for their social media platforms blogs, etc.   In fact while talking with one of my online biz friends the other month, she told me that it takes her about 2 hours to look through and find good relevant content to share with her audience for her biz.  Take a look at this video to check out a quick and easy way to grab relevant content to curate and share with your audience everyday.

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FB info:

Please let me know if you have any questions by leaving me a comment.  If this blog post helped you in any way, help others by sharing it out.  Remember sharing is caring.   If you are looking to network, get your business questions answered, support and most importantly ACCOUNTABILITY.  Join our FB group here to get in on all the info.

Thanks for reading,

Truly Camillia

Friday, January 19, 2018


As a business owner/entrepreneur, one of the most important resources you have is your time. Figuring out how to manage your time (not to mention how to actually be productive) is critical to your success.  Below are quick helpful tips that will assist you in becoming more productive in your business and personal life.

1. Focus

Did you know that research shows that it takes 23-minutes on average for the brain to regain a ‘focused state’ after jumping to respond to some kind of notification? We’ve all been there...the constant buzz, beep, ping flash of screens on our multiple devices and browser tabs distracting us from the task at hand. While it’s true our digital devices give us amazing access, they also have the power to divert you from your goals. We think we’re better when multi-tasking, but it’s actually making us dumber, lowering your IQ by as much as 10 points.  For those of us with smart phones, we are distracted most times from notifications and messages that come from our social media accounts.  The freedom app is a paid app which aims to make technology less distracting. Freedom allows you to block notifications from apps and websites. When you’re not constantly distracted by these apps you’re more free to focus, develop better habits, be more productive, and actually get creative work done. Once it’s set up, you have a ton of control over which apps you block and on what devices.

2. Manage Your Tasks & Projects Closely

As a business owner, I know that there are hundreds of tasks that need to be done day in and day out.
 With multiple clients, it can be daunting to manage all of your priorities. ToDoist is a task manager that helps millions of people get things done. It allows you to manage tasks across multiple devices and platforms (mobile device, desktop, browser and email inboxes), break down big projects into smaller sets, collaborate with other people and all within a really slick and clean design. All of this amounts to a tool that really helps you organize your life and projects, big and small, allowing you to focus on the things that really matter

3. Make to do lists and take good notes

In addition to actually managing the day to day of all of your projects, capturing and storing all of your notes, research and inspiration can be an overwhelming task. I usually use a good ole old fashion note book and pen or pencil to take notes and create to do lists.  For the all things digital entrepreneur Evernote is a great note taking tool. Evernote lets you take notes with a lot of flexibility, dropping in text, images, tags and even Google Drive links. Your notes sync across all your devices and their search feature is robust, allowing you to easily find what you’re looking for.

Please let me know if you have any questions by leaving me a comment.  If this blog post helped you in any way, help others by sharing it out.  Remember sharing is caring.   If you are looking to network, get your business questions answered, support and most importantly ACCOUNTABILITY.  Join our FB group here to get in on all the info.

Thanks for reading,

Truly Camillia

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Employee Vs. Business Owner Mindset Pt III

Employee Vs. Business Owner Pt III

In this blog I discuss some of the mindset shifts required to leave the constraints of  an employee mindset.  Unlike employees who work for others, entrepreneurs are in charge of the future success they will enjoy and the failures they will experience.  They do not blame others for where they are in life.  They place fault on themselves because they realize that they are the only person that is in charge of their success.  Depending on your viewpoint, this is either terrifically liberating, or an overwhelming responsibility, in which case you must acquire a different mindset that enables you to see the world through a business owner’s eyes if you are wanting time freedom and a thriving successful business.  Watch the video above to learn how to shift your mindset from employee to business owner in this fabulous 3 part series.

Please let me know if you have any questions by leaving me a comment.  If this blog post helped you in any way, help others by sharing it out.  Remember sharing is caring.   If you are looking to network, get your business questions answered, support and most importantly ACCOUNTABILITY.  Join our FB group here to get in on all the info.

Thanks for reading,

Truly Camillia

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Employee vs Business Owner Mindset Part II

Employee Vs. Business Owner Pt II

In this blog I discuss some of the mindset shifts required to leave the constraints of  an employee mindset.  Unlike employees who work for others, entrepreneurs are in charge of the future success they will enjoy and the failures they will experience.  They do not blame others for where they are in life.  They place fault on themselves because they realize that they are the only person that is in charge of their success.  Depending on your viewpoint, this is either terrifically liberating, or an overwhelming responsibility, in which case you must acquire a different mindset that enables you to see the world through a business owner’s eyes if you are wanting time freedom and a thriving successful business.  Watch the video above to learn how to shift your mindset from employee to business owner in this fabulous 3 part series.

Please let me know if you have any questions by leaving me a comment.  If this blog post helped you in any way, help others by sharing it out.  Remember sharing is caring.   If you are looking to network, get your business questions answered, support and most importantly ACCOUNTABILITY.  Join our FB group here to get in on all the info.

Thanks for reading,

Truly Camillia

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Employee vs Business Owner Mindset Part I

Employee Vs. Business Owner Pt I

In this blog I discuss some of the mindset shifts required to leave the constraints of  an employee mindset.  Unlike employees who work for others, entrepreneurs are in charge of the future success they will enjoy and the failures they will experience.  They do not blame others for where they are in life.  They place fault on themselves because they realize that they are the only person that is in charge of their success.  Depending on your viewpoint, this is either terrifically liberating, or an overwhelming responsibility, in which case you must acquire a different mindset that enables you to see the world through a business owner’s eyes if you are wanting time freedom and a thriving successful business.  Watch the video above to learn how to shift your mindset from employee to business owner in this fabulous 3 part series.

Please let me know if you have any questions by leaving me a comment.  If this blog post helped you in any way, help others by sharing it out.  Remember sharing is caring.   If you are looking to network, get your business questions answered, support and most importantly ACCOUNTABILITY.  Join our FB group here to get in on all the info.

Thanks for reading,

Truly Camillia

Monday, January 15, 2018

Keep Your Dreams Alive!

Keep Your Dreams Alive!!!

As we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on this beautiful day, we have to remember to keep our dreams alive.  Martin Luther King Jr. changed the world because he had a dream that one day people of color would be treated as equal citizens and not looked upon as inferior.   As a black women, I am so thankful that Martin Luther King fought for his dream and the dream of so many other African American men and women.  Even though Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. fought for his dream and eventually fought to death, his dream lives on through the minds and hearts of American people forever.  Most of the time once we start to pursue our dream(s), we are very excited and talk about it often, but once time goes on, maybe a few weeks, months or even years pass, are we still excited about our dream?  What happens once we’ve had a goal or dream for a while, how do we keep it fresh and stay inspired to reach it?  Below are 3 tips to help you keep your dreams alive just like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. has done.

1.  Mediate and Believe That Your Dream Is Achievable
Constant meditation and belief gives you a powerful visual reminder each day of your dream or goal. By sitting quietly in meditation we allow are dreams and beliefs to manifest.  In quietness we create space for insights on the answers we have been waiting for to come along with new ideas.

2. Gaining more knowledge about our dream
If our dream is to open up an online boutique or to become an athlete.  We must gain all the knowledge that we can to allow our dream to be a reality.  That means we have to seek out the knowledge.  The best advice that I can give you is to lock arms with someone that has already achieved the dream that you desire to achieve.  Sometimes this can be difficult for others because they are not willing to invest in themselves.  Meaning invest the time or money to seek out the knowledge that you need to make your dream happen.  Just like Dr. King did, we may have to link up with others or collaborate with other organizations to help bring our dream to pass.  Even though Dr. Kings dream was a dream that had not been accomplished by man yet, he was still able to network and communicate with others to achieve it.

3. Start taking massive action on your dreams
Taking action is one of the most important steps.  Taking action means focusing on what needs to be done.(this will be done once you get the knowledge)  Also another step to action, is being consistent with your actions.  Working on your dream can only work when you are consistent, have laser focus and remove all distractions.  Thinking that our dream will just work itself out is ridiculous and not smart.  Dreams do not work unless you do.  So get started working on your dream today!

Please let me know if you have any questions by leaving me a comment.  If this blog post helped you in any way, help others by sharing it out.  Remember sharing is caring.   If you are looking to network, get your business questions answered, support and most importantly ACCOUNTABILITY.  Join our FB group here to get in on all the info.

Thanks for reading,

Truly Camillia

Sunday, January 14, 2018

How To Use Snapchat For Marketing (Snapchat For Beginners)

Snapchat For Beginners

As of today, Snapchat is a really hot platform for individuals aged 13 to 33.  If your business is targeted to reach the younger generation than Snapchat is a MUST have app for you.  In this blog post I will show you in the video above, how to use snap chat with bitmoji and also how to use snapchat filters.  This video is for beginners that have andriod as a smartphone.  Snapchat is an amazing social media  platform and is great for using to engage with your audience for immediate connections.

This video is all about snapchat and how snapchat works with bitmoji. Remember that  Snapchat filters and features updates frequently, so these are the latest updates in this video.  In this video I will show you how to download snapchat with andriod within the Google playstore.  I will also show you how to download bitmoji and how the 3D filters work with snapchat.  Thanks for viewing and I hope this video helps you understand how to use snapchat, bitmoji and snapchat filters better. 

Please let me know if you have any questions by leaving me a comment.  If this blog post helped you in any way, help others by sharing it out.  Remember sharing is caring.   If you are looking to network, get your business questions answered, support and most importantly ACCOUNTABILITY.  Join our FB group here to get in on all the info.

Thanks for reading,

Truly Camillia

Saturday, January 13, 2018

How To Avoid Dream Killers

In this blog post I share with you what [dream killers are and how to avoid them].  Dream killers can sometimes be really scary.  Those closest to us like our spouse, family and best friends,  can be the first ones to shut down your dreams and tell us that our dreams are not possible and we will never accomplish our dreams.  The sad part is that we believe them because we are closest to them.  I don't agree with dream killers.  Dream killers handicap dreamers and kill all the hopes that they have.  I grew up feeling like I needed approval from family and friends and wanted them to support me always.  Even though my family supports me for the most part in everything that I do, I don't live my life for the approval of others.  If you have a dream inside of you, do not let it die.  Work on your dream, keep your dream safe and nurture it.  Don't let anyone, even if it is family members or a close friend tell you that you can't do something.  Everyone has potential to be what you want and live your dream,  but you have to be ready to endure the work to bring your dream to fruition.  Watch the video above.

Please let me know if you have any questions by leaving me a comment.  If this blog post helped you in any way, help others by sharing it out.  Remember sharing is caring.   If you are looking to network, get your business questions answered, support and most importantly ACCOUNTABILITY.  Join our FB group here to get in on all the info.

Thanks for reading,

Truly Camillia

Friday, January 12, 2018

5 Traits Of A Good Leader

5 Traits Of A Good Leader

So, Congrats!!! You just joined your first network marketing company, started your business, released your first product etc. and you are looking for a leader to model yourself after.   Most leaders in business have established trust and remained consistent with their followers and fans.  Below are a few traits that you need to look in your future leader for your venture.

They Give Value Often
This is one of the number one mistakes that I made when I started my business.  I was in serious need of a business coach.  I didn't do much research but I spent a pretty penny with a female entrepreneur that was very successful in her businesses.  She was advertising a coaching package to work with her and purchase her products and I decided to.  She had established a huge following and the free group that she provided was very active, but she didn't give a way any value.  The videos that she provided were of her speaking and telling everyone in the group how they need to join her program.   There was NO value being presented by her.  I had my blinders on and decided to join her program because of her results and success and when I got the program it was TRASH.  It was basically everything that I already knew.  She also claimed that when we purchased we would get free advertising from her, but that wasn't true.  So make sure before you spend money with a person that you feel is a great leader, do your research.  Put their name in google, see what pops up.  Are they giving value to the market place, are they consistent, are they helping others, giving away free webinars etc.  Now, do not get me wrong, leaders are not going to give away everything for FREE and you shouldn't either, but there should be a few tips that they can give away for free here and there. I am happy to say that after doing lots of research I have found an AWESOME business coach ( she costs a pretty penny, but I still love her).  To be honest, I watched all her FREE videos on YouTube and learned tons more from her FREE videos than I have learned with all the paid products that I have brought from others.  So when I decided to spend money on her program, it has been awesome, because I did my research.  So make sure you do, too.

They Are Compassionate
Your leader that you are looking to model after and follow must be compassionate.  They must truly care about people and relationships.  If they are only talking and posting about making money and how they are benefiting and join me, me, the opposite.  If your leader is only talking about  and concerned about money and not getting to know you as a person or cultivating a relationship, than I would stay away from them.  That is all I have to say about compassion. lol

They Need To Be Enthusiastic
Your leader needs to be enthusiastic and excited about the business.  If a leader is not excited or passionate about serving their audience than they are not being authentic.  They may just be going through the motions to get the next check.  You want to be led by someone that is passionate and proud about the products and business they are representing.  Having passion in your business allows you to accept challenges and help others to develop their strengths and weaknesses.

Do They Have A Community
Has your leader established a community of people that love them?  Keep in mind, it does not matter how many people are inside the community there can be 5 to 500,000 people, but make sure that the people in the community are happy.   Quality over quantity, always remember. I know leaders and influencers that have thousands of fans but no real value is being presented.  Everyone is inside the community just because it is the fun thing to do at the time or the influencer maybe very popular. It says a lot about a leader that has created a community of value.  That leader really cares about making a difference in the business industry.

They Are Consistent
Consistency is one of the most important traits when you are looking for a leader.  If they are not consistent in their business, than they will not be consistent in helping you and everyone else.  As crazy as it sounds, when I started looking for a leader, I would always go to their social media accounts and see how consistent they are with the platforms that they have established.  If a leader has totally abandoned there social media accounts than I will beware of locking arms with that leader.  Make sure your leader is consistent in their business.

Please let me know if you have any questions by leaving me a comment.  If this blog post helped you in any way, help others by sharing it out.  Remember sharing is caring.   If you are looking to network, get your business questions answered, support and most importantly ACCOUNTABILITY.  Join our FB group here to get in on all the info.

Thanks for reading,

Truly Camillia

Thursday, January 11, 2018

5 Business Grants That Female Business Owners Need To Apply For Part I

Are you a Female Entrepreneur that is in need of some extra money to fund your dream business?  Female Entrepreneurs are said to encompass approximately 1/3 of all entrepreneurs worldwide.  That is a pretty big number!  Dozens of programs, businesses, and organizations exist to help women business owners.  Take a look at the business grants below and share them out with your female business bestie friends to get the word out! 

1. Women Veteran Entrepreneur Corp Small Business Competition

If you are looking for money to grow your human capital, pay attention to the Women Veteran Entrepreneur Corp Small Business Competition. The WVEC gives a small business competition for women who would like to be trained to take their companies to the next level. Competitors simply need to present a two-minute presentation about an innovative business idea. If you are selected as the winner, you will gain access to an eight-month business training course. 
Check out the face book business page here for more info.

2. Mission Main Street Project
Chase offers over $3 million in grants to 20 businesses each year. The sponsors have been recognized for their commitment to progressive goals in the past, and women and minorities have successfully obtained funding. The Mission Main Street Project awards $150,000 grants to winners.  Stop by the website here for more details on this grant.

3. Halstead Grant
If you are in the Jewelry biz, you may earn a Halstead Grant. Each year, a $6,000 grant is awarded to a designer who demonstrates exceptional talent with silver jewelry designs.  Check out the Halstead Grant website here if you are creating jewelry (or know someone that is) and are in need of a grant.
4. Belle Capital Grants
Belle Capital offers grants to companies led by women. The sizes of the grants vary, and you can also gain access to an angel investment fund to launch or expand your business.   Visit Belle Capitals website here for more information.
5. Smart Women Smart Money
Utah’s Zion Bank offers a grant competition for women in search of capital for their business ventures. The winner of this competition receives a $3,000 grant to invest in her business.   Swing by the website here.
I am working to put together another list of grants for business owners.  Stay tuned for that list.
Please let me know if you have any questions by leaving  a comment.  If this blog post helped you in any way, help others by sharing it out.  Remember sharing is caring.   If you are looking to network, get your business questions answered,  support and most importantly ACCOUNTABILITY.  Join our FB group here to get in on all the latest business tips.

Thanks for reading,

Truly Camillia





Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Why Your Scheduled  Alone QUIET Time Periods Are Beneficial For Your Business

"If you want to be happy, learn to be alone without being lonely. Learn that being alone does not mean being unhappy. The world is full of plenty of interesting and enjoyable things to do and people who can enrich your life".     
Michael Josephson
Periods of quiet time can be looked at by others as a bad thing.  Learning to spend time alone and take a break from the busyness of life and free your mind is beneficial and will help you operate your personal life and business life more efficiently.   As humans, we are non oblivious from enduring physical and mental health conditions.  We deal with situations at work, in relationships, as entrepreneurs and pretty much wherever we go. By learning to spend quiet time alone we also learn how not let the realities of the world negatively affect us from our personal development. Being healthy physically and mentally gives you strength to continue the demands of life.  Below are a few benefits that having alone time gives.

1.  Time alone is an excellent stress reliever Spending alone time, relieves loads of stress.  There is evidence that higher stress levels are associated with lower bone mineral density, and many studies show that people under chronic stress experience more physical pain and aging effects on the body.

2. As you reflect on your day, you also have time to become more aware of the person you are and the person you want to be. Personal growth is an amazing advantage. Alone time helps you to  connect with yourself in a new way each day. Through out the day  you connect with yourself  through movement or communicating with others. But when spending time alone, you are completely still and quiet, taking your awareness of yourself to another level.

3. Spending time helps you let go of all the negativity. When you free  your mind and detach from all of your stresses, some happy thoughts are sure to come to mind. Alone time brings more positive thoughts to your mind as you silence your brain to reflect on the good in your life and focus more on the positive vibes.

Please let me know if you have any questions by leaving me a comment.  If this blog post helped you in any way, help others by sharing it out.  Remember sharing is caring.

Thanks for reading,

Tuesday, January 9, 2018


What Should I Blog About???

I get asked this question a lot and I also find myself asking this question as well.  There are many topics that you can blog about.  The thing is you want to blog on topics that your followers are interested in.  Below are some blog topic ideas to get your mind turning:

Provide Helpful Information-As an entrepreneur, there is no doubt that you have a lot of expertise you can share. For example, if you run an event planning business, you can share helpful posts on how to get started as an event planner or the templates to use as an event planner.  If you really want to impress your audience, put a how-to video on YouTube and embed it in your blog post. Video is a great way to connect with your followers so they can ensure the know, like, trust factor and it also boosts your reach in search engines.

Promote your products and/or services-Blogs can be a great way to market your products, while given helpful information and sharing value with your followers. So how do you promote your new products or services? Use your blog to be a solution to a common problem or issue to your current or prospective customers. One way to find out common problems is to do your research.  Read forums in your industry and also join Facebook groups and fan pages to see what problems others are having in your industry.  Another freebie is to read customer complaints with competitor companies.  Find out problems that those customers are having and be that solution.  Include a “by the way” paragraph in your blog that mentions how your product can help solve their problem and add a link to showcase your product.

Personal lifestyle-  Your followers are always going to want to know you personally.  Share some of your personal experiences on your blog.  If you just bought a new car or went on an amazing vacation, journal that experience in your blog and share it with your followers.  Blogging about your personal life every once in a while gives your followers a glimpse into your life and allows them to connect with you even more.

Please let me know if you have any questions by leaving me a comment.  If this blog post helped you in any way, help others by sharing it out.  Remember sharing is caring.

Thanks for reading,


Monday, January 8, 2018



Getting more eyes in front of your business is a lot harder than others think.  It takes a lot of work and continuous effort to do this.  All of the marketing gurus will tell you that it is a numbers game.  The more people that you put your business in front of the more leads and sales that you will generate.  While this is a very  true statement, we must not forget about a more important factor.  That is quality over quantity.  We must remember that while having a huge following is great, if those fans are not interested in what you have to say or bring to the table, those followers are dead weight.  While we need to make sure that are business gets in front of people each day, we have to make sure that they are the "right" people that need your products or the services you are providing.   Every 60 seconds:
  • 510,000 Facebook comments are made.
  • 5,100 Instagram photos are liked.
  • 48 hours of video are uploaded on YouTube.

  • Not to mention all the offline marketing activities that are done as well.  So you may ask yourself, how can my business get noticed when there are so many other companies out there and it seems that competition is huge?  Do not be discouraged, every business goes through this.  The following tips are a few quick actionable steps that you can take to keep more "targeted eyes" introduced to your business.

    1.  Make sure that you are branding yourself.  Brand yourself so that you can stand out from your competition is vital in business.  No one wants to work with the same business that everyone else sees.  For example, if you are an Avon representative, make sure you brand yourself and introduce your products to others as you let others know who you are, how you can help them and why your products that you are promoting are so amazing.  Gone are the days where people respond to company advertised ads and posts.  People want to learn about you, the person behind the product.  Make sure you are giving people a reason to buy from you and that you are satisfying the know, like, trust factor with your potential clients.

    2. Create how to posts, blogs or videos that are centered around your products.  If you are selling weight loss products, you can create exercise videos or e-books for your prospects.  This also helps you to be viewed as an expert in your industry and it also helps you with your branding as well.  The more personal products (digital products) that you have to offer  to your followers, the more eager your followers will want to purchase your company products.

    3.  Be consistent with your advertising.  Advertising is not a “one and done” effort. You need to keep your name in front of your followers frequently. Research shows that as humans our memory is short. After a month, we can recall only about 25% of the messages we saw.  So make sure your are seeing more of you on social media and through email.   Email marketing is a great way to get your prospects that maybe interested in your product now, to buy later.  98% of the time, customers will not buy the first time they see a product promoted or advertised.   If you need help with email marketing, take a look at my free passive income bundle course.  Within this course you will find a module about email marketing to help you get started. Advertising is a "must" activity that needs to be completed everyday in your business.

    Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and feel free to share it with anyone who needs the information and will benefit.

    Sunday, January 7, 2018

    Facebook Group/Community Questions

    Facebook Group Questions

    Back in February 2017, Zuckerberg wrote that “One of the things that we’ve seen in online communities, but also including offline communities, is that having an engaged and talented leader is one of the key things for making a strong community … but right now our Groups product hasn’t really been built to facilitate the leaders.”  The ability to ask questions before someone enters your group is a great way to keep your group engaged and thriving.  Asking the right questions to make sure that the member is a right fit to be a part of your community gives the leader more control over the group.  This leads to a more productive discussion and less of the kind of disruption and needless posts that can cause members to turn off the notifications for a Group.  If you are interested in starting a face book group to house your interested prospects, watch the how to tutorial above to see how the questions feature works within a face book group.

    Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and feel free to share it with anyone who needs the information and will benefit.

    Saturday, January 6, 2018



    Procrastination is putting off what can be done now for later.  Everyone experiences procrastination every once in a while.  Some people only procrastinate a few times a year, while others procrastinate every day.  If you are a person that has a terrible habit of procrastinating, than procrastination can be very detrimental in the long run, if it is not for you already.  I fight with procrastination daily.  Everyone has different reasons for procrastinating.  My biggest reason for procrastinating is doing tasks that I absolutely hate.  Have you had the one task that you hate, but you know it is something that has to be done frequently, like cleaning the bathroom or exercising?  When I start procrastinating because of a task that I completely hate doing, I have to have long talks with myself to get me to do whatever it is that I do not want to do.  I also have to follow these 5 steps that I am going share.

    1. Plan, plan, plan

    Planning is one of the most important things that helps me with procrastination.  Since I am naturally an over planner, once I plan the activity that I do not want to do in my schedule, I make sure it gets done.  I am one of those people that has a to do list for ever thing.  If I write a task down to be completed, I want that particular thing to be x'd off my list within a day or two.  So planning helps me with completing tasks that I do not want to do.

    2. Try to find the fun in it

    What ever task that your dreading to do, make it fun.  For example, earlier I told you I hate cleaning out bathrooms, but I hate when the bathroom is dirty.  So, when ever I clean the bathrooms I always listen to music, talk on the phone or dance.  Those are some things that I love to do, so I incorporate them into my day while I am cleaning the bathrooms. 

    3. Break bigger tasks down

    Our house has 3.5 bathrooms.  Downstairs we have one full bathroom and one half bathroom.  Those two bathrooms are the ones that are used regularly, so I have to clean them once, sometimes twice a week.  The other two bathrooms upstairs are not used all the time so I only clean those once every two weeks, but cleaning bathrooms can be time consuming so that is why I have to break the cleaning schedule down into different times.

    4. Just do it 

    At times you have to just bite the bullet and get the task done.  There are times that I just get it done without thinking how much I do not like the task.  Think about the consequence of not getting the task at hand complete and that thought can be a motivator to get the task done quickly.  When you notice something that takes a few seconds to do and doesn't have to be planned, like taking out the trash, just go ahead and get it done.


    Yes I said it, rest! Remember, we’re only human, so if you don’t get a goal accomplished, do not beat yourself up about it, especially if you have been working hard to get it done.  It is ok to move that particular task to the next day.   If you need to take a quick nap to get energized to complete a task and be more productive, than that is perfectly fine.  There’s nothing more pitiful about a procrastinator than a tired  procrastinator.  It just makes you procrastinate even more.  So make sure you get your rest!

    Everyone procrastinates every now and then, but if you have a serious problem with procrastination like I tend to at times, I hope these steps above can help you.

    Was this helpful? If so, I would greatly appreciate if you commented below and feel free to share it with anyone who needs the information and will benefit.