Friday, December 29, 2017


Starting a business can be very exciting, until you realize all the work that has to be done for your business to gain consistent profit. But building your business can be so rewarding. However building a business requires hard work, preparation and tons of planning, and did I mention hard work. :)  A lot of new business owners fall into the jump of excitement and not aware of all the challenges starting a business.  And that leads me to common mistake #1.

Mistake #1: The concept that being in business is unicorns and rainbows

Being in business is not always a walk in the park, especially in the novice stages.  It takes vision, dedication, hard work etc.  Most people that start off on an entrepreneurial journey are on cloud nine.  They feel like they will start making $10,000 within the next week.  But 9.99 times out of 10 that is not the case.  I am not trying to discourage anyone, I just want to be realistic.  So once you start your journey and if you are still working hard towards your passion, make sure that you are aware that there will be challenges and obstacles that you have to get through, but with a positive mindset you can get through them.

Mistake #2: Skipping out on your personal development

Working on your mindset is one of the most important things you need to do in your business.  Everyday, not just when you feel like it, personal development should be a part of your daily schedule.  Personal development helps you to enhance your ability to handle stress and assists you in achieving your goals.  Personal development in your business can make or break you.  Indulge in it daily and you will achieve more success.

Mistake #3: Treating your business like a hobby

Your business is probably something that you are very passionate about, which will make it a lot of fun, and a great hobby. Taking it to the next level, though, and turning it into a "profitable "business means you can’t treat it that way anymore. You can still enjoy it, just like you always have, of course, but some things have to change.

It may take some time to get used to this change, and you may miss some of the hobby aspects, but on the other side, you will be one of those focused people who gets to have a job they love.

If you are just starting your business or if you have been in business for awhile, I hope these tips have helped you and for more business tips, do not miss out on any of our posts.

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